AHLS Courses
Become an AHLS Provider
AHLS has trained over 25,000 paramedics, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals from around the world. Become an AHLS Provider, ready to face the medical challenges of hazmat incidents, such as chemical spills and toxic terrorism.
Each AHLS Provider Course is taught by a board-certified toxicologist, physician, and other AHLS Instructors. These expert instructors train healthcare professionals to become AHLS Providers and care for victims of hazmat incidents and toxic terrorism.
Small-group, interactive, tabletop exercises are included in the following AHLS Courses:
- AHLS Provider
- AHLS for Tox-Medics
- AHLS for Toxic Terrorism
- AHLS for Radiological Incidents & Terrorism
- AHLS for Chemical Burns & Toxic Products of Combustion
The AHLS Provider Course has a multiple-choice pre-test to assess participants’ current knowledge and serves as an excellent study resource for the multiple-choice post-test. Healthcare professionals who achieve at least 80% on their post-test are verified as AHLS Providers for four years.
The AHLS Instructor Course concludes with a multiple-choice exam. Healthcare professionals who achieve at least 80% on the post-test are eligible to become AHLS Instructors.
The AHLS for Radiological Incidents & Terrorism Course has a multiple-choice pre-test to assess participants’ current knowledge and serves as an excellent study resource for the multiple-choice post-test. The pre- & post-tests are formative assessments. No minimum score is required to complete the course.
Learn more about individual course types below:

AHLS Provider
- Teaches healthcare professionals to medically manage patients exposed to hazardous materials.
- 16 hours
- Pre-test & Post-test
- 80% passing score to obtain verification

AHLS Instructor
- Prepares you to teach AHLS in your area through student-given lectures, critiques, & role-play.
- 4 hours
- Post-test
- 80% passing score to obtain verification
- Can be held in conjunction with an AHLS Provider Course.

AHLS for Toxic Terrorism
- Teaches healthcare professionals to medically manage casualties from toxic terrorism.
- 4 hours
- Focused curriculum extracted from AHLS Provider Course

AHLS for Chemical Burns & Toxic Products of Combustion
- Teaches healthcare professionals to medically manage chemical burns and toxic inhalation injuries, including carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning.
- 4 hours
- Focused curriculum extracted from AHLS Provider Course

AHLS for Radiological Incidents & Terrorism
- Teaches healthcare professionals to medically manage patients with acute radiation syndrome and internal contamination with radionuclides.
- 4 hours
- Pre-test & Post-test
- Includes contributions from affiliates of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

AHLS for Tox-Medics
- Scenario-based course, specifically designed for EMS professionals caring for victims of hazmat incidents.
- 4 hours
- Advanced course for AHLS Provider paramedics
- New, detailed operational guidelines

BHLS Online
- Teaches the fundamentals of the AHLS Provider Course, highlighting the basics of medical management of hazmat patients.
- Self-paced online course with 11 modules
- 3 hours
- Pre-test & Post-test
- 80% passing score

AHLS for Tactical Medics
- A custom course designed for elite, tactical, military medics.
- 4 hours
- Available upon request only