Funding Information

Homeland Security Funding
FEMA's National Training And Education Division has training funds that may be used to host or attend an AHLS Course in the United States.
Each state has different mechanisms for awarding funding to responder agencies and counties. Some states require prior requests for training funds; in others, you may request funds at any time. Contact your state’s Homeland Security Director for more information.

Hospital Preparedness Program
The Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Response (ASPR) Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) provides leadership and funding through cooperative agreements to states, territories, and eligible major metropolitan areas to increase the ability of HPP funding recipients to plan for and respond to large-scale emergencies and disasters. HPP is the primary source of federal funding for health care system preparedness and response and, in collaboration with state and local health departments, prepares health care delivery systems to save lives through the development of health care coalitions (HCCs).
Visit the ASPR website to learn more about HPP and what resources would be made available to your hospital.
You can also contact HPP directly at:

Regional Disaster Health Response System
The Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Response (ASPR) is working to establish regional partnerships to address healthcare preparedness challenges, establish best practices, expand access to specialty clinical care, and increase medical surge capacity. ASPR’s Regional Disaster Health Response System (RDHRS) is a tiered system that builds upon and unifies existing assets within states and across regions to support a more coherent, comprehensive, and capable healthcare disaster response system able to respond to health security threats.
To create regional coordination, RDHRS has initiated pilot demonstration sites to establish and mature multi-state partnerships, building on local health care coalitions and trauma centers, and integrating local medical response capabilities with emergency medical services, burn centers, pediatric hospitals, labs, and outpatient services to meet overwhelming health care needs created by disasters.
This program is still in a pilot demonstration, to see if funding is available in your region visit the RDHRS website.